Acupuncture - New Patient Exam & Treatment
A new patient acupuncture experience includes a 10-30 minute initial exam with a 30 or 60 minute acupuncture treatment.
Acupuncture - Returning Patient (30 min.)
A returning patient acupuncture experience includes a review of symptoms and a 30 minute acupuncture treatment.
Acupuncture - Returning Patient Treatment
A returning patient acupuncture experience includes a review of symptoms and a 60 minute acupuncture treatment.
Cupping - New Patient Exam & Treatment
A new patient cupping experience includes a 10-30 minute initial exam with a 30 minute cupping treatment.
Cupping - Returning Patient Treatment
A returning patient cupping experience includes a review of symptoms with a 30 minute cupping treatment.
Facial Acupuncture - New Patient Exam & Treatment
A new patient facial acupuncture experience includes a 10 - 30 minute initial exam with discussion of facial concerns / skincare goals followed by 60 minutes of facial acupuncture points, body acupuncture points and LED light therapy.
Facial Acupuncture - Returning Patient Treatment
A returning patient facial acupuncture experience includes a review of facial concerns / skincare goals and 60 minutes of facial acupuncture points, body acupuncture points and LED light therapy.
Herbal Consult - New Patient Exam & Prescription
A new patient herbal consult includes a comprehensive exam with personalized Chinese herbal prescription.
Herbal Consult - Returning Patient Exam & Prescription
A returning patient herbal consult includes a detailed exam with personalized Chinese herbal prescription.
Microneedling - New Patient Consult & Treatment
A new patient microneedling experience includes an initial consult followed by a micro and/or nanoneedling treatment to an area(s) of your choice (face, neck, scalp, décolletage) accompanied by LED light therapy.
Microneedling - Returning Patient Treatment
A returning patient microneedling experience includes a review of facial concerns / skincare goals followed by micro and/or nanoneedling to an area(s) of your choice (face, neck, scalp, décolletage) accompanied by LED light therapy.